API for Water Level and Flow in Canada


The API provide real-time water level and flow (discharge) data collected at over 1900 hydrometric stations across Canada and historical water level and flow (discharge) data collected at over 7700 hydrometric stations across Canada covering rivers and lakes.

All data are sourced from the government of Canada website

Authentification key

In order to prevent abuse, Scrapi API requires a private API key for all requests. We allow one API key by email which gives a quota of 200 requests/day. The API key is passed as a "key" parameter in each request.

API endpoint


Get the list of stations

Parameter Type Description
PAGE Integer For pagination between 1 and 11
KEY String Use the key received in the email
Example :

Get a station details

Parameter Type Description
STATION_ID String Station id, Id returned by the previous request
KEY String Use the key received in the email
Example :

Get Primary level

Parameter Type Format Description
STATION_ID String (ex : 02OA016) Station id
START_DATE String AAAA-mm-jj Inclusive date from which we want the data
END_DATE String AAAA-mm-jj Inclusive date to which we want the data
RESULT_TYPE String Possible value : stats, history, all Type of data returned. History is for real time values and stats is for agregated values (average, max, min...
KEY String Alphanumeric Use the key received in the email
Example :

Get Secondary level

Parameter Type Format Description
STATION_ID String (ex : 02OA016) Station id
START_DATE String AAAA-mm-jj Inclusive date from which we want the data
END_DATE String AAAA-mm-jj Inclusive date to which we want the data
RESULT_TYPE String Possible value : stats, history, all Type of data returned. History is for real time values and stats is for agregated values (average, max, min...
KEY String Alphanumeric Use the key received in the email
Example :


Parameter Type Format Description
STATION_ID String (ex : 02OA016) Station id
START_DATE String AAAA-mm-jj Inclusive date from which we want the data
END_DATE String AAAA-mm-jj Inclusive date to which we want the data
RESULT_TYPE String Possible value : stats, history, all Type of data returned. History is for real time values and stats is for agregated values (average, max, min...
KEY String Alphanumeric Use the key received in the email
Example :


Parameter Type Format Description
STATION_ID String (ex : 02OA016) Station id
START_DATE String AAAA-mm-jj Inclusive date from which we want the data
END_DATE String AAAA-mm-jj Inclusive date to which we want the data
RESULT_TYPE String Possible value : stats, history, all Type of data returned. History is for real time values and stats is for agregated values (average, max, min...
KEY String Alphanumeric Use the key received in the email
Example :

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